Home Authors Posts by Ann Cochran

Ann Cochran

Ann Cochran
What a treat! Aging Resources of Central Iowa and Big Al’s BBQ in Adel are helping older adults in our area socialize and improve their nutrition. This partnership is called the Iowa Café. The Iowa Café offers one meal each...
Trying to get around is a big challenge in rural and suburban areas if you don’t drive or don’t own a running vehicle. There are no subways or trains and no fixed-route buses, and calling a taxi or ride-share...
Babies should sleep on their backs, and all healthy babies need time playing on their tummies. Tummy time promotes physical and brain development, and it provides important bonding time with the loving adults in baby’s life. To protect your baby, use...
The Iowa Compass program connects people who have complex health-related needs and disabilities to services and supports. When you call or email, a Community Resource Specialist will listen to your needs and help you solve challenges. Iowa Compass does not...
The peak of our bone health is around age 25 to 29. The National Institute of Health (NIH) explains that the body constantly absorbs and replaces bone tissue. Therefore, parents should think of their children’s bones as a bank account,...
Numerous factors are pushing against our emotional wellness:  cold and dark days, rising prices and more COVID-19. No wonder we feel depressed or anxious. Some first steps to emotional wellness are to accept that you’re having these feelings and then...
Around here, children probably don’t have visions of sugar plums dancing in their heads, but they certainly are surrounded by Christmas cookies, candy and other sweet treats. Make an effort this year to cut down on the full-on sugar feasts...
If holiday gatherings seem chaotic and confusing to you, then imagine how overwhelming they are for a person experiencing Alzheimer’s disease or other types of dementia or for someone with autism. People with conditions that make them sensitive to loud...
If you’re anxious about your financial ability to heat your home this winter, contact New Opportunities to enroll in the LIHEAP energy assistance program. LIHEAP stands for the Low-Income Home Energy Assistance Program. Your family must meet the income guidelines...
The word "shingles" might make you think of the asphalt covering on your roof.  But if you’ve experienced the disease of the same name, it means something entirely different. Shingles is a viral infection caused by the presence of the...