How to handle holiday hubbub with Alzheimer’s


If holiday gatherings seem chaotic and confusing to you, then imagine how overwhelming they are for a person experiencing Alzheimer’s disease or other types of dementia or for someone with autism.

People with conditions that make them sensitive to loud sounds and raised levels of activity may feel uncomfortable in a social setting.

While you want to continue including your dear ones in family events and traditions, consider how to tone things down.

Show them a quiet corner where they can be away from the hubbub. Discreetly let others know the purpose of this area so that they don’t try to coax the person needing quiet back into the activity.

Limit choices. Bring familiar food to them — a buffet can be overwhelming. Ask whether they want to open a gift now or later.

Turn down the volume on the music or TV, and avoid visually stimulating, blinking decorations.

Provide your loved ones with an object of comfort. This could be a soft blanket or toy to hold or something very familiar to them, such as a favorite cup.

Be sure to give your loved ones the option to retreat. Let them know it’s okay if they want to leave or go to their own room.

Ann Cochran is the health navigation coordinator in the Dallas County Public Health Department.


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