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Crys Lehman

Crys Lehman
Brad Deets, development services director for Waukee, presented to the Dallas County Conservation Board Tuesday night the city's newest plan for crossing the Raccoon River Valley Trail (RRVT) along U.S. Highway 6. "What we're proposing is three access points at quarter-mile...
The Monday night meeting of the Woodward-Granger School Board opened with a charged statement by community member Courtney Weaver, who called for the resignation of school board member Jennifer Benbow in the wake of a May 19 Facebook post...
Erin Butler, owner of Butler Appraisals, celebrated her company's induction into the Perry Chamber of Commerce with a well-attended ribbon-cutting ceremony at her office in the Towncraft Coworking Center. “I've been here for almost a year now as my own...
Bodies littered the ground at the Dallas County Hospital’s annual Health Fair—plastic bodies, that is, set up for demonstrating and teaching the latest CPR techniques. The CPR display was one of multiple booths that each focused on different facets...
An exciting fireworks display ended Woodward's Friends and Neighbors Days with a bang -- or more accurately, about 30 minutes of bangs, booms and enthusiastic cheering and hollering from viewers of all ages. Many watched the fireworks from the comfort of the...
The 2018 Woodward Friends and Neighbors Days opened Friday with a community supper, golf cart parade, pit ball tourney and family-friendly movie in the park. Saturday offered an even longer list of events -- including a petting zoo, pie...
While most issues brought up at Monday night's meeting of the Perry City Council were quickly dispatched to everyone’s apparent satisfaction -- from discussing the new statues soon to grace Violet Hill Cemetery to approving the McCreary Community Building's...
Through the joint effort of multiple local organizations -- including the Perry Historic Preservation Commission, Perry Elks Lodge 407 and the Perry Kiwanis Club -- Violet Hill Cemetery has been bedecked with American flags for Memorial Day. Members of the...