Be focused, realistic with New Year’s resolutions


For many people, setting New Year’s resolutions is a yearly tradition. While it’s good to reflect on your habits and make self-improvement goals, it’s also common to fall short of reaching them.

Here are some tips for setting and successfully sticking to your New Year’s resolutions.

The first step is to only pick one or two resolutions to focus on. It might be easy to come up with long lists of everything you want to do, but prioritizing a couple of the most important will make it easier to focus on achieving them.

Next, take time to plan your resolution. Research how long it typically takes to reach your goals, such as quitting smoking or losing a certain amount of weight, so you have a realistic idea of a timeline and setbacks you might face.

Be specific when setting goals, too. Rather than saying that you want to “eat healthier” without a clear idea of what that looks like, try saying, “I want to eat at least four servings of fruit and vegetables every day.” Statements like these make it easier to track whether you are on your way to reaching your resolutions.

It’s also important to identify a support system who can hold you accountable for your resolutions. Tell your friends and family about your goals. When you face challenges in your journey, you can lean on them for motivation to stick with the process.

Finally, allow time for your resolution to become a habit. It takes an average of 10 weeks of daily repetition to form a new habit. Be patient and know that you can always start again the next day if you face a setback.

Natalie Peters is the community health educator in the Dallas County Public Health Department.


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