Call to Action: Protect Tyson Workers page established on Facebook


A Facebook page was established Friday called, Call to Action: Protect Tyson Workers, in reaction to the novel coronavirus outbreak at the Tyson Fresh Meats plant in Perry.

The page asks why the Perry production facility has not been closed as have a number of other Tyson Foods Inc. plants in Iowa and around the U.S., and it encourages the community to stand in solidarity with the Perry laborers, many of whom are immigrants and refugees.

According to the Call to Action: Protect Tyson Workers Facebook page:

Coronavirus is not just an urban issue. Towns such as Perry are also bearing the brunt of this pandemic and is reaching some of our most vulnerable in our community. With that being said, Tyson STILL refuses to adhere to most experts in their calls to shut down the plant. Numerous people have come out testing positive for Coronavirus within the plant alone, many other Tyson plants around the country have shut down for at least two weeks, so why hasn’t Perry?

This page is dedicated as a Call to Action. We are asking for our community to come together to protect Tyson workers. Raise your concerns, share your stories, and stand in solidarity to help out even the most vulnerable in our communities! Si Se Puede!

El Coronavirus no nada mas es una problema urbana, también afecta comunidades como Perry. Con todo los casos positivos que han identificados en el Tyson, la companía TODAVÍA niegan la opción de cerrar la planta para la salud de sus trabajadores.

Esta pagina esta dedicado para los miembros de la comunidad para que compartan sus historias y experiencias con Tyson sobre la pandemía y como les han afectado. Y enseñarle a los trabajadores de Tyson que estamos en solidaridad con ellos! Yes We Can!

The administrators of the Facebook page said they welcome any videos, pictures or anecdotes about working conditions at the factory. They said anonymity is guaranteed.

Dallas County has so far reported 99 positive cases of COVID-19, the virulent strain of pneumonia caused by the novel coronavirus. It is unknown how many of the positive cases have been identified at the Tyson Fresh Meats pork processing plant.


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