Democrats to gain ‘decisive mandate’ in general election

Doug Emhoff, husband of Democratic vice presidential candidate Kamala Harris, and U.S. Rep. Cindy Axne, left, addressed about 50 people Friday afternoon in the Josh Davis Memorial Plaza in downtown Perry.

Predicting Democrats up and down the ballot will be given a “decisive mandate” in the Nov. 3 general election, U.S. Rep. Cindy Axne and Doug Emhoff rallied Perry-area voters Friday afternoon at Josh Davis Memorial Plaza in downtown Perry.

Security was extremely tight at the 30-minute event, and the virus-mitigation protocols were strict in spite of the very stiff breeze.

Emhoff opened his remarks with words of tribute to U.S. Marine Corps Lance Cpl. Joshua M. Davis, a 2009 graduate of Perry High School who was killed in action in Afghanistan in 2010. Emhoff said the 19-year-old Davis was a “patriot” for his military sacrifice.

“He did it for us,” he said, and for the values the Democratic candidates Joe Biden and Harris stand for: “family, faith and community.”

Emhoff said the “stakes could not be higher” in this election, and he named several COVID-19 victims he has known whose deaths symbolize the gravity of the choice before voters. He said the Republican party has “no plan” for managing the pandemic.

“They just hope it goes away,” he said. “They’re trying to ignore it.”

The Biden plan for combatting the virus will begin “on day one,” Emhoff said, and will include free, quick and widespread testing, free treatment and eventually a scientifically reliable vaccine.

Discussion of the pandemic led to the issue of healthcare, which he said “is a right and not a privilege” for Americans and would also require reliance on solid science, as will issues such as climate change.

Axne joined Emhoff in downtown Perry, telling the crowd that “we are so close to painting Dallas County blue. I want you to help me take it this time.”

Axne said the Republican party wants to cut Social Security and Medicare benefits for the most vulnerable Americans.

She said Senate Majority Leader Sen. Mitch McConnell is offering “no help” to struggling small business owners, such as Perry’s hotels and restaurants, but he would “rather support the wealthiest among us than the hardworking people of this state.”

Republicans would “rather let us suffer at the hands of this pandemic than send relief to blue states,” Axne said.

Both speakers strongly encouraged the Democrats to vote and to urge others to vote.

“We’re going to win Iowa,” Emhoff said, and “paint Dallas County blue,” Axne added, to the applause of the gathered partisans.


  1. “The virus-mitigation protocols were strict” really means: “No one came out to hear our candidates speak.” They can claim no one is coming to hear them speak because of Covid, but the apathy has got to worry them. If their voters won’t emerge to hear them speak, will all those staying home really emerge to vote?


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