Household emergency-disaster plan needed ‘just in case’


Remember fire drills in school? Some students were glad class was interrupted, and some were scared, and everyone hated that loud fire alarm.

Why do schools have fire drills? In order to practice what to do in case of a fire.

What about a fire at home? According to the Iowa State Fire Marshal, there have been 11 fatalities caused by fire so far in 2023 in Iowa. Last year there were a total of 47 who died from fire.

Despite multiple campaigns and awareness efforts, most households lack a plan for where to go and what to do in case of a disaster.

Within your household, decide where you will meet if your home experiences a fire, explosion, flood or direct hit from a storm. Choose a place to gather to take a headcount.

Pick somewhere far enough away from the house to be clear of fire danger and out of the way of fire and arriving medical crews.

If you live alone, tell your neighbors where you will go in case of a disaster so they can quickly find you.

Pet owners need to plan evacuation or sheltering with their pets. For more ideas, see the U.S. Department of Homeland Security website.

This is a good time to consider where you store important documents. A fireproof, waterproof lock box is an excellent investment for protecting passports, Social Security cards, birth, marriage and death certificates, titles, deeds and financial records.

Habitat for Humanity has information about disaster preparedness for homeowners.

We always hope we won’t need our emergency plan, but it’s wise to have one just in case.

Ann Cochran is the health navigation coordinator in the Dallas County Public Health Department.


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