Letter to the editor: Axne needs to spend less time in Iowa

U.S. Rep. Cindy Axne will attend a Get Out the Vote rally in Perry Friday afternoon.

To the editor:

One has to ask oneself: Does someone from the east coast represent voters in Iowa’s Congressional District 3?

U.S. Rep. Cindy Axne once again gave her vote away to a representative from Maryland, and he cast his vote for you. This was the second time Axne didn’t show up to cast her vote and gave it to this same representative.

Many of her constituents do not know this, and she is not telling them.

Iowa deserves a representative who represents the voters of District 3. David Young did not miss one vote when he served the voters of District 3, and that is why we need to send him back.

We need a representative who will show up for us.

Gloria Mazza


  1. We elect them to vote and otherwise represent us, and too often they skip votes as well as lie about what they will do once elected. Good intentions give way to the personal goodies offered by lobbyists. People do not have or make time to keep tabs on their specific performance, and they know it. Too bad they get paid when they fail to perform duties expected by constituents. That would get their attention. Trump is the first politician that has actually kept campaign promises because he refuses to be controlled by the puppet masters and he’s hated for it.


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