Letter to the editor: Fighting cancer is no sprint


To the editor:

Over the next 26.2 hours, the University of Iowa Dance Marathon is participating in a fundraising marathon known as “Day to DM” for the pediatric cancer and bone marrow patients on the 11th floor of the Stead Family Children’s Hospital.

The Day to DM Dance Marathon financially and emotionally supports families at every stage of a family’s cancer journey — from diagnosis, throughout treatment, remission or loss of a child.

This organization has grown near and dear to my heart as I’ve heard stories of children who have won or lost a battle against cancer. Most recently, I stepped out of my comfort zone and hit the pavement to run the Chicago Marathon “FOR THE KIDS”. Those 26.2 miles were nothing short of hard, but that challenge was nothing compared to what a family endures when their child is diagnosed with cancer.

The Day to DM organization is pushing to raise as much funding as possible until 9:18 p.m. on Oct. 30. Please consider donating to the cause if you are able.

Here are some of the ways your donation can impact a family:

  • A $75 donation can pay for a necklace to be made for a parent of a child who has passed away.
  • A $100 donation can pay for the registration of one person on the bone marrow transplant registry.
  • A $250 donation can pay for children to receive a wig if they have lost their hair.
  • A $1,000 donation can pay for one year’s worth of pharmaceuticals.
  • A $5,000 donation can help a family with funeral expenses for a kiddo who is now Dance in Our Hearts.

As recently seen on social media with Carson King, small donations can add up and deliver miracles for these families. Every donation, big or small, counts and goes straight towards kiddos and their families. A huge thank you to those who continue to support me! Always for the kids!

Haley Vaughn
Iowa City


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