Letter to the editor: Hoover Presidential Museum worth saving

The Herbert Hoover Presidential Library and Museum are located in West Branch, Iowa. Photo courtesy U.S. National Park Service

To the editor:

I have been on the board of trustees for the Hoover Presidential Foundation for four years, and I am involved in the renovation of the Herbert Hoover Presidential Library and Museum. I can tell you that a renovation is long overdue!

It has been more than 30 years since the last major renovation was completed, the longest span of all the National Archives and Records Administration Presidential Libraries. Last year, the Hoover Presidential Foundation began a $20 million effort called Timeless Values/Modern Experience campaign for the renovation of the Herbert Hoover Presidential Library and Museum.

The permanent galleries have served us well for those 30 years, but it’s time for a change to meet the expectations of a new generation. We are working with BRC Imagination Arts, the firm that created the highly acclaimed Lincoln Presidential Museum in Springfield, Illinois. BRC is known for its excellent storytelling and use of modern technology to enhance the presentation.

The Iowa Legislature has shown its support for this project by creating and passing the Hoover Tax Credit into law. The law provides a state tax credit of 25% of any gift given to the Timeless Values/Modern Experience campaign. It’s good for any person, company or financial institution that pays Iowa state taxes. And if you cannot use your whole credit in one year, it can be carried over for a period of five years.

The tax credit program will not last forever. It expires at the end of 2023, or when $5 million in credits have been claimed, whichever comes first. It is easy to obtain. You simply make your gift to the foundation either in person, by mail or online, and the Hoover Foundation will process the paperwork for you. Details about the entire project and how you can donate can be found online.

Giving to this effort is more than just getting a great tax break. It supports an effort to tell the story of Iowa’s native son, Herbert Hoover. There’s more to Hoover than just his presidency during the Great Depression. Did you know Hoover was orphaned at age 9? that he put himself through college and became a multi-millionaire mining engineer?

Hoover gave up much of his wealth to feed millions of starving people during World War I. He led several humanitarian efforts to help feed starving families during the Russian Civil War and in Germany after World War II.

Hoover led the federal humanitarian efforts to help families during the great Mississippi River flood in the 1920s. His leadership as U.S. Secretary of Commerce created federal policies that are still in use today, such as creating the color system for traffic lights and the system of standard measurements.

The Hoover story is an Iowan’s success story. It aligns with the Iowa legacy of feeding the world. Hoover’s life of sacrifice is a life worth emulating. As you think about the many worthy nonprofits to support this year, I encourage you to consider the Timeless Values/Modern Experience campaign. Not just because there’s a great tax break but because there is an Iowa story that needs to be told about Herbert and Lou-Henry Hoover and the values of generosity and service they exemplified.

Tyler De Haan
Van Meter


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