Letter to the editor: Iowa’s high-tech future bright, readers says


To the editor:

Thanks to investment by tech companies, Iowa is quickly becoming known as a tech hub. The tech industry added $10 billion to our state’s economy last year, and that number is expected to grow as more and more Iowans take tech industry jobs.

These jobs pay better on average and open the door to new career paths. Entrepreneurship has soared, as Iowans apply new technologies in innovative ways to fields like agriculture.

Witnessing this growth is uplifting, especially at a time when so many Americans are facing real economic hardship. Inflation may be down from its peak last year, but the cost of living continues to climb, forcing people to stretch their budgets thinner and thinner until they break.

Fortunately, the tech sector offers an avenue for growth that can revitalize local economies and empower small businesses. It’s a genuine path to prosperity that can reverse our economic fortunes by creating new growth.

That’s why it’s vital that we support our emerging tech industry now, so we can realize its full potential. As entrepreneurs and businesses flee California to come here, we need to make sure we’re ready to embrace their investment, and show them that in Iowa, we believe in the power of free markets.

Chris Janda, president of the Bull Moose Club
Des Moines


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