Letter to the editor: McCaulley endorses Hite for city council seat

Curt Hite and Stacie Hite

To the editor:

As many of you know, I have decided to not seek re-election for the Ward 2 seat on the Perry City Council. After serving more than 11 years on the city council, I decided it was time for someone else to step up. It has been a great honor and privilege for me to serve the citizens in this capacity, and I am excited about the future for Perry.

Since no one residing in Ward 2 came forth to file for the seat before the deadline, the seat will now be filled with an individual with the most write-in votes on Nov. 2 in the general school and city election. I am happy to report that Mr. Curt Hite, 1216 31st St., recently announced at a city council meeting that he intends to run for the Ward 2 seat as a write-in candidate.

I have known Mr. Hite for a number of years. He is a man of great integrity, honesty and moral fiber. Curt is a hard-working individual with good common sense. As a special needs teacher, he brings great patience, care and love to his students. As a councilman, I have no doubt he will bring these same traits to the council table.

I enthusiastically endorse Mr. Curt Hite for the Ward 2 seat on the Perry City Council and encourage Ward 2 residents to write his name in for this position.

Dr. Randall McCaulley


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