Letter to the editor: Reader endorses Stalter for supervisor

Pat Stalter of Adel, left, is the Democrat candidate for the third district seat on the Dallas County Board of Supervisors.

To the editor:

When you vote, you will find Pat Stalter’s name on your ballot for a seat on the Dallas County Board of Supervisors. I have known Pat since 1972, when we both joined the ADM faculty. I witnessed the admiration Pat’s students had for her because she treated every one of them with respect and compassion.

Pat is always willing to listen and learn from others, and she lives a life of high ethical standards. She grew up on a farm, has been married for 46 years and has two daughters and four grandchildren.

Always up for new challenges, after Pat retired from teaching, she became a Disciples of Christ minister and currently serves as the pastor of Woodward Christian Church.

Pat Stalter is an outstanding candidate for supervisor, and I strongly encourage you to vote for her.

David Leonard


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