Letter to the editor: Town hall meeting set over ADM bullying

The Adel Public Library is located at 303 S. 10th St.

To the editor:

There will be a town hall meeting Sunday, March 5 at 6 p.m. in the Adel Public library. All community members, parents of students in the school district, teachers, counselors and even folks who live outside of Adel but want to learn how they can help their own schools are invited to attend.

This isn’t a witch hunt. This is a chance to put our heads together to see how we can help our students and community members with their mental health needs. We’re going to find a solution to stop bullying in our schools. WE ARE NOT. GOING. TO. GIVE. UP.

We are going to make sure that we make a difference, and it will all be because of an amazing young man named Caelen Peterson.

I encourage you to spend the next few days doing your own research. Look for good resources. Look at other programs, and get ideas. Then bring them along with a notebook and pen with you to take notes.

Let me remind everyone once again that this meeting will remain civil. Anyone who causes issues will be asked to leave. It’s time to heal and move forward.

I look forward to meeting with you all. If you cannot make it but would like to contribute, or if you would like to contribute stories/resources and stay anonymous, you may confidentially email me at am.rowley2003@gmail.com.

Please share and spread the word.

Amber Rowley


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