Letter to the editor: VanKirks make great gift in memory of awesome guy

Dallas "Pete" VanKirk of Perry will be honored by the Perry Historic Preservation Commission and Hometown Heritage as the 2018 honoree on the Soumas Court Wall of Witnesses in a ceremony scheduled for Monday, Sept. 24 at 5 p.m. in Soumas Court in downtown Perry.

To the editor:

Wow! At last night’s board meeting, the VanKirk family presented a gift of $350,000 to Perry Community School. This gift is in memory of Pete VanKirk and will “jump start” some renovations at Dewey Field.

The Board agreed to match this generous donation and begin planning for initial renovations.

For those of you who are new to the district, Pete, Joyce and family have a history of “giving back” to their school and community. The DMACC VanKirk Career Academy and Progressive Field are just a few examples of this generosity.

Come to Awards Night at PHS and be amazed at the number of students who receive scholarships from the VanKirk Family, enabling them to pursue post-secondary education. I could go on and on . . .

I am so very glad that I was able to get to know Pete VanKirk. We sat at a few wrestling meets together, and he just beamed when talking about his family and the Perry schools and community.

Certainly a great gift in memory of an awesome guy!

Many thanks to Joyce, Kirk and Lori, DeLynn and David, Darek and Carol and families!

M. Lynn Ubben, Superintendent
Perry Community School District


  1. So supportive as always. I would like to see about renaming First Avenue to PVK Boulevard in his honor. Is that a possibility? If so, it is worth considering.


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