Open letter to PHS parents: Give Wicks’ team ‘grace’


To my fellow Perry High School parents:

Please give Superintendent Wicks, the school administration and our school board members some grace. They genuinely care about the safety and security of our students — and these are just a few of the incredible number of needs they have to consider and provide for — and they are doing the best they can to accommodate all of the needs of staff and students in planning for a return to school.

According to a “Washington Post” investigation, Perry is the 395th school shooting nationwide since Columbine in 1999, and unfortunately there is not a playbook to turn to when this happens in your community.

Thankfully, with the help of Heartland AEA and other consultants, administrators and staff, plans are made as to what works best for our community’s set of circumstances, for our families, our students and our staff, working almost literally around the clock to get it right.

Are any of us perfect at our regular jobs every single day? No. Now add in a mass-shooting event and I ask you, Would you be able to craft a perfect plan to accommodate everybody?

Instead of “typing and griping” on Facebook, I’d ask you to get involved in one of the many efforts to support and aid our community to heal. If you are aware of opportunities for improvement or have questions, please e-mail

Matt McDevitt


  1. kindness goes a long way, and don’t think for a minute these teachers, coaches, paraeducators aren’t scared, affected or wanting what’s best for every person involved. They have families. They have children in this district. It might be hard, but don’t lose faith or love for all involved.


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