Stay safe during scorching summer heat waves

Background for a hot summer or heat wave, orange sky with with bright sun and thermometer

We have already experienced a few heat waves this summer, and it is likely that the next one is right around the corner.

Extreme heat isn’t just uncomfortable — it can be dangerous, too. There are two heat-related illnesses that you should be aware of: heat exhaustion and heat stroke.

Heat exhaustion happens when your body overheats, usually through a combination of high temperatures, high humidity and strenuous exercise. Symptoms include:

• heavy sweating
• dizziness
• faintness
• nausea
• headache
• a weak, rapid pulse
• cool, moist skin

If you think you have heat exhaustion, stop all activity and rest. Move to a cooler place, and drink cool water or electrolyte drinks. If left untreated, heat exhaustion can lead to heat stroke.

Heat stroke is a serious, life-threatening condition that happens when your body can no longer control its temperature. Signs of heat stroke include:

• body temperature of 104 degrees or higher
• rapid breathing
• racing heart rate
• inability to sweat
• skin that is hot and dry or damp
• nausea and vomiting

If you think someone may be experiencing a heat stroke, call 911 right away. While waiting for emergency responders to arrive, cool the person down by going in the shade or an air-conditioned building. Use fans, damp towels or icepacks on the skin.

Heat-related illnesses can be prevented by staying inside air-conditioned buildings as much as possible during periods of high heat. Wear loose, lightweight clothing, and stay hydrated with water or electrolyte drinks throughout the day

During heat waves, check on your friends, family or neighbors who are at a higher risk of heat-related illnesses, including the elderly, young children, those that work outdoors and those with physical illnesses, such as heart disease.

Natalie Peters is the community health educator in the Dallas County Public Health Department.


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