‘Unity’ a poem by Victoria Scott Johnson



Why would this happen
What do you all think
Way too much emotion
Taking them to the brink
You can’t blame the parents
For such a careless act
Imagine how they feel
When they hear of the attack
I know what it feels like
To be treated like a crook
When no one really cares
Being constantly overlooked
You’ve tried to talk to others
Even taken every class
You still have those feelings
That you can’t let surpass
Thinking that a gun
Is going to make everything all right
You’re not thinking properly
You alone can’t win this fight
Tragedies like these
That have happened before
They shake our lives and our families
Right down to our inner core
We will get through this
Staying together as a whole
Getting better gun laws for all
Should be our main goal
So let’s find some love and caring
Praying for all that is involved
Unity in our small towns
Together until it’s resolved

Victoria Scott Johnson


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