Perry wrestlers, managers pin down academic honors

Perry wrestlers Justin Stammer, Kaleb Olejniczak, Cole Snyder, Jacob Nelson and Cole Nelson pose after the Bluejay Invitational. All save Cole Nelson (freshmen are ineligible) were joined by four team managers in earning all-conference academic honors. Photo submitted.

Four Perry wrestlers and four team managers have earned Raccoon River Conference All-Academic honors.

To qualify, a student must be in grades 10-12, earn a varsity letter, and produce a grade point average of at least 3.25 on a 4.0 scale.

Seniors Kaleb Olejniczak and Justin Stammer, along with juniors Jacob Nelson and Cole Snyder, were the four Bluejays to receive the recognition.

Also honored were team managers Cassidy Heck, Kasandra Medina, Myka Meri and Kitzya Soto.


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