Panorama girls golf plays in triangular

After playing both Monday and Tuesday, the Panorrama girls golfers will play 18 holes three times in the next five days. Photo courtesy Panorama schools.

PLEASANTVILLE — Tuesday’s pleasant weather served as the backdrop for a WCAC girls golf triangular between host Pleasantville and both Panorama and Van Meter.

The team victory went to Van Meter and their score of 188 combined strokes. Pleasantville turned in a 213 and Panorama a 220.

Abby Cobb (49) and Alex Kurtz (53) had the two lowest rounds for Panorama, with Gabby Welberg shooting 57 and Taylor Raibikis 61. Rounds of 67 from Amanda Holwegner and of 69 from Sarah Kastner were not used toward the team total.

London Wille (41) and Kylie Carey (42) were medalist and runner-up medalist for Van Meter, with Shae Bernhardt (45) and Lindsey Golwitzer (60) also scoring for the Bulldogs. Audrey Gruss (62) and Daelynn Coppinger (71) also played for Van Meter.

Scoring for Pleasantville were Tess Ray (50), Breanna Benge (53), Kristen Roe (53) and Cheyenne Pagel (57). The hosts also had Abby DeJoode (62) and Lauren Cook (65) make the circuit.

The Panorama girls play 18 holes today at Woodward-Granger (1 p.m.) and at Kuemper Catholic (9 a.m.) Saturday. The Panthers return to Pleasaantville Monday for the WCAC tournament, with tee-off set for 8:30 a.m.


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