Perry, Panorama girls soccer learn postseason routes

Perry's Carly Herrera puts the ball in play for the Jayettes during the first half of their RRC match with Bondurant-Farrar at Dewey Field earlier this season.

Both the Perry and Panorama girls soccer teams will begin their respective playoff pushes on their own home pitch.

Perry (7-9) has received a bye in Class 2A Region 4 and will host the winner of tonight’s first game in Ballard between Collins-Maxwell (9-5) and Boone (4-14) at Dewey Field Tuesday at 6 p.m. Ballard (6-8-1) faces Webster City (1-12) in tonight’s second game in Huxley, with the winner traveling to ADM (15-1) for a 6 p.m. game Tuesday.

The Region 4 Final will be hosted by the highest remaining seed June 3 with a 6 p.m. start, the winner advancing to the state tournament.

Class 1A play begins Tuesday, with Panorama (9-5) hosting Creston (3-10) in one quarterfinal, with the winner to face either North Polk (12-4) or Grand View Christian (2-10) in Alleman May 31. The bottom half of the bracket has Des Moines Christian (11-3) hosting Chariton (3-9) while Clarke (0-8) visits WCV-NV (8-6). The winners will meet, at DMC, May 31.

The highest remaining seed will host the Region 3 Final June 3. All 1A matches listed will begin at 6 p.m.


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