Perry’s Tiffany Hull wins two international pageants

Tiffany Hull of Perry won the Miss Univerz-V International Intermediate 2021 title and the Superrior Miss 2021 title in November in Orlando, Florida. Photo by Felsphoto


Small town pageant queen Tiffany Hull of Perry pulled out a big win in November, when she represented Iowa at the National/International Pageant for Miss Nation Nationals in Orlando, Florida, and brought home with not just one international title but two.

Hull has been participating in pageants since 2009 and has held many titles both at natural and glitz pageants in the last 11 years. Last year she competed in Miss American Coed national pageant in Orlando, Florida, and came home as sixth runner up in the nation.

“I enjoyed the competition side,” Hull said, “showing that I can be confident no matter what people said and being able to also use my voice to advocate my platform of mental health at the same time was why I loved competing in pageants.”

She walked away with two optional competition wins as well as the academic award and the resume award. She earned 15 other awards throughout the year, all while attending the McFormalsdale Christian University, where she received an honorary doctoral degree in organizational management and organizational leadership, with a concentration in human services and an emphasis in psychology.

The 2014 Perry High School graduate is also currently completing graduate school for mental health counseling through Buena Vista University.

Hull now reigns as Miss Univerz-V International intermediate 2021 and Superrior Miss 2021.

“I was shocked to be one of the international titles,” Hull said. “We sister queens joke and call it the ‘fab five.’ Well, little did I know I would be honored to be the first court for the Superrior title holders as well. My first title is decided not only by points but also by people’s choice on Pageant Planet. The Superrior Miss title has an extra “r”  to represent resilience.”

What do all these honors mean to Perry’s small-town pageant queen? With both titles, she is expected to do volunteer services, appearances, advocating and share information about Miss Nation Nationals Pageants to communities.

Hull said she had her work cut out for her when COVID-19 put a halt to a lot of planning.

“I am okay with a challenge and thinking outside of the box,” she said. “I did it with my state title, so why not raise the bar with my national titles? My first plan of action is to volunteer locally and statewide and work my way up to other communities as COVID allows. Hopefully, the growth of my pageant platform CROWNED will take off as well.”

Hull pageant platform was CROWNED, which stands for coping, relationship, outreach, well-being, nurturing, education and detox. She said that the seven elements are focused on the overall mental health capacity of an individual and how to be the best you that you can be.

CROWNED has done giveaways, shared testimonials, led supply drives and shared educational information about mental health, she said.

“I said that this was the year I would go all or nothing!” Hull said. “I knew I wanted an international title, and then I would retire after I hit that prestigious mark. I told my family that my goal was to win and then retire, with a long-term goal of working for the pageant company. I kept telling myself to do my best and let God do the rest. Well, little did I know that God was on my side this year and sent me home with two titles!”

If you would like to have Hull volunteer for a fundraiser or make an appearance or are interested in learning more about CROWNED, then email her at: or find her on Instagram: @missuniverzvintlint.



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