Middle school Jayette harriers run Monday

Perry eighth grader Lily Myers runs up front in the two-mile middle school race at the Ballard Invite in Huxley Monday. Myers was 11th overall. Photo courtesy Dana Hoffman.

HUXLEY, IA — Seven young ladies represented Perry Monday in the two-mile girls middle school race at the Ballard cross country invitational.

Perry finished 10th in the team standings, with Lily Myers the first of the squad to finish by clocking in 11th overall in 13 minutes, 45.1 seconds.

Harper Peterson was 41st in 16:13.9 and Payton Pierchbacher 73rd in 18:18, with Fiorella Oliver (75th, 18:59.9) and Ellie Hughes (76th, 19:09.2) also scoring.

Also competing for Perry, but not having their placing scored, were Aleah Karolus (78th, 19:11) and Jadelyn Hoffman (82nd, 19:49.2).

Myers, Oliver and Karolus are in eighth grade, with Peterson, Pierchbacher and Hoffman all in grade seven.


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