Tari Mason celebrates birthday with loyal Perry Perk customers

Perry Perk coffeehouse owner Tari Mason, enter, donned holiday headwear Friday in celebration of her birth. Helping the tireless proprietor celebrate were, seated from left, Tom Ulrich, Jim Caufield, Ray Harden, John Andorf and Lou Hoger; standing from left, Elsie Mace, Sue Brickner, Lois Hoger, Myrna Whitehead and Connie McGuire.

Tari Mason, the tireless proprietor of the Perry Perk coffeehouse in downtown Perry, celebrated her birthday Friday in the company of her many loyal customers.

Cinnamon rolls and hot coffee were shared by all, and Mason thanked her friends for their kindly attentions. She opened her popular shop on Christmas Eve 2013 at 1218 Second St. and moved to the present 1201 Warford St. location in February 2018.


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