Perry Lions Club cleans roadside ditches for Earth Day

PerryLions collecting mounds of earth Day litter included, from left, Harley McGuire, Dwayne Hochhalter, Roger Niemeyer, Rich Saemisch, Jim George, Bob Roder, Gary Becker, Dave Wright and John Andorf. Photo courtesy Perry Lions Club Secretary Ray Harden

Enjoying the fruits of their Earth Day labor were Perry Lions, clockwise from left, Jim George, John Andorf, Jack Shelker, Andy Bambrick, Dwayne Hochhalter at the end. Harley McGuire, Richard Saemisch, Roger Niemeyer, Gary Becker and Dave Wright.
Enjoying the fruits of their Earth Day labor were Perry Lions, clockwise from left, Jim George, John Andorf, Jack Shelker, Andy Bambrick, Dwayne Hochhalter at the end. Harley McGuire, Richard Saemisch, Roger Niemeyer, Gary Becker and Dave Wright. Photo courtesy Perry Lions Club Secretary Ray Harden

A dozen members of the Perry Lions Club met on Earth Day, Friday, April 22 a 5 p.m. at the intersection of Iowa Highway 141 and F Avenue, two miles east of the Dawson corner, to “walk the ditch.”

Club members picked up trash along the roadside on a two-mile section of the roadway. The Perry Lions have been doing this service project for more than 20 years. The club members picked up several hundred pounds of debris.

After the project, the group met at the Hotel Pattee for a meal. No formal business meeting was held.


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