McCaulley to praise the Lord with Christian music ministry


Dr. Randy McCaulley hung up his hat as chief administrative officer for the Perry Lutheran Home Friday and left the position he held for more than two years in order to pursue a mission of Christian music ministry.

McCaulley, who retired in 2009 after nearly 20 years as superintendent of the Perry Community School District, said God has been leading him toward a musical ministry, and now is the right time to make his move. He will still keep in contact with the Perry Lutheran Home and provide staff development opportunities on an occasional basis, he said.

Rev. Max Phillips, CEO of the Perry Lutheran Home, said McCaulley “has been a tremendous resource for the Perry Lutheran Home, and his faithful service to our Lord and His people has been an inspiration for all of us.”

Phillips praised McCaulley’s devotion to his calling and willingness to be led by his faith.

“I am confident that God will bless this new ministry adventure for Randy in many ways,” he said. “Even though he is leaving his current role with us, I am pleased that he will continue to be a part of the Lutheran Home Christian Community in a different way.”

McCaulley has been well known as a local musician for many years, frequently performing at local churches, nursing homes and community events. He sings and plays the piano and said he plans to spend several months fine tuning his talents in preparation for his new endeavor in Christian music ministry.

“God has been telling me to do this for quite a while, and I have been slow to react,” McCaulley said. “I kept telling Him that I am too old and too tired, but God was persistent. He told me that I am not too old and I am not too tired to do this. So I plan to perform contemporary Christian music, some well known hymns and some of my own compositions. I plan to share stories of faith, and I plan to produce a CD of my own music.”

McCaulley expects to begin his musical journey in January. His mission is to bring Christian music to churches and private Christian schools throughout Iowa.

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Dr. Randy McCaulley tied up the few remaining loose ends Friday before cleaning out his desk at the Perry Lutheran Home. The former superintendent of the Perry Community School District serves at the chief operations officer of the long-term care facility for 2.5 years.
Dr. Randy McCaulley tied up the few remaining loose ends Friday before cleaning out his desk at the Perry Lutheran Home. The former superintendent of the Perry Community School District serves at the chief operations officer of the long-term care facility for 2.5 years.
Rev. Max Phillips, right, praised Dr. Randy McCaulley at a farewell party Friday at the Perry Lutheran Home Main Campus.
Rev. Max Phillips, right, praised Dr. Randy McCaulley at a farewell party Friday at the Perry Lutheran Home Main Campus.



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