Friends fill Perry Perk to celebrate Ken Finer’s birthday

Ken Finer of Perry, center, treated his friends on his birthday Wednesday to coffee and cinnamon rolls at the Perry Perk coffeehouse. Friends included, clockwise from Ken, Andrew Bambrick, Ray Harden, Dan Spellman, Doug Latham, Jim George, Jay Pattee, Lou Hoger, Dwayne Hochhalter, Bill Joy, Roger Emmert, Delbert Sheeder, Bob Rounds, Jim Haas, Charlie Thompson and Gordon Klatt. Tari Mason, owner of the Perry Perk, standing back right, kept cups and plates full during the festivities. Photo by Shirley Ehlers

Seats were in short supply at the Perry Perk coffeehouse Wednesday morning when Ken Finer of Perry, longtime Perry High School teacher and charter member of the Society of Retired Educators (SORE), treated his friends to coffee and cinnamon rolls for his birthday.

Friends came and went through the course of the celebration. Among the many joining Ken at the big table were Andrew Bambrick, Ray Harden, Dan Spellman, Doug Latham, Jim George, Jay Pattee, Lou Hoger, Dwayne Hochhalter, Bill Joy, Roger Emmert, Delbert Sheeder, Bob Rounds, Jim Haas, Charlie Thompson, Dean Stumbo, Gordon Klatt and many others.

A second table accommodated a goodly number of lady admirers of Mr. Finer, whose gallantry is a byword in the Perry area. Tari Mason, owner of the Perry Perk, provided refreshments for the many friends and well wishers.

Ken Finer of Perry, left, treated his friends on his birthday Wednesday to coffee and cinnamon rolls at the Perry Perk coffeehouse. Friends included, clockwise from Ken, Andrew Bambrick, Ray Harden, Jim Caufield, Doug Latham, Jim George, Jay Pattee, Lou Hoger, Dwayne Hochhalter, Roger Emmert, Delbert Sheeder, Nick Eakins, Bob Rounds, Jim Haas, Gordon Klatt and Dean Stumbo. Photo by Dan Spellman


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