St. Patrick’s students perform live Stations of the Cross

St. Patrick's Catholic School students in grades 6-8 will make a final live performance of the Stations of the Cross Friday at 1:30 p.m. in the school gym. The event is free and open to the public.

Students in grades 6-8 at St. Patrick’s Catholic School continued their annual tradition of honoring an ancient devotion by performing a live Stations of the Cross for family, friends and the public Wednesday evening. A final performance will be held Friday at 1:30 p.m. for the student body, with the public welcome to attend.

The Stations of the Cross are a 14-part reenactment of the tragic events of the last day of Jesus of Nazareth. Historical records dating to the mid-fourth century report pilgrims in Jerusalem following what they believed to be Via Dolorosa, or the Way of Sorrows, the route Jesus took from his condemnation by Roman governor Pontius Pilate to his death and burial.

St. Patrick’s students perform the devotion in a darkened gym, with only a single spotlight used to illuminate each event, or station, at the conclusion of which narrators — who describe each stop on the route — offer a short prayer.

Pope St. John Paul II encouraged Catholics worldwide to celebrate an additional station, the 15th, focusing on the resurrection of Jesus and his victory over death and sin.

Seventh grader David Roberts portrays Jesus of Nazareth.

Performing the stations are David Roberts (Jesus of Nazareth), Libby Hastings (Mary, his mother), Kaiden Summerson (Pontius Pilate), Khyler Carstarphen (Simon of Cyrene), Marielena Ramirez (Veronica), Ismael Santis (Peter), Gerardo Rodriguez (John) and Kyle Hernandez (James).

Others cast members include Ashley Macias, Peyton Tunink and Jayna Kenney (Women of Jerusalem), Amy McNamara, Riese Archer and Victor Diaz (Roman soldiers), Elizabeth Rodriguez, Rubi Hernandez and Alejandra Ruiz (friends of Jesus) and Sam Ridnour and Brian Hernandez (tomb guards).

Gannon Meis and Angles Mendoza serve as the narrators, with Victor Santis in charge of music while Sean Spencer operates the spotlight, with middle school teacher Darcy Spellman serving as director for the production.



  1. This is an amazing event, and the kids did a terrific job. This is an event that should be viewed by people of all faiths. If you missed it, you have another chance Friday afternoon at 1:30 p.m. Again, thanks to all the students who participated in this event.


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