Local Lions honored for membership tenure

Perry Lion Jim McCauley, right, received a 40-year membership pin from Lions Club Southwest District President Chris Anderson at the November meeting.

The November meeting of the Perry Lions Club saw two visitors give presentations, one internal to the club and one external.

Perry City Administrator Sven Peterson told the dozen gathered Lions about the importance of the local option sales tax (LOST) issue on the Nov. 7 election ballot. Peterson reminded the Lions that the LOST tax is not a new tax but an extension of one currently in place.

The administrator listed ways the money was used in the past, such as asphalt overlay of 60 city blocks, work at the library and public safety equipment. He urged the members of the club to vote in favor of the tax renewal, which later passed in Perry with a 79 percent yes vote.

Also addressing the meeting was Lions Club Southwest District President Chris Anderson, who commended the Perry Lions Club for serving the city of Perry for the past 45 years. Anderson said membership is an issue for Lions Clubs nationwide, and some clubs are recruiting women to join. In fact, 30 percent of the Lions Club members are now women, he said.

There are no women in the Perry Lions Club.

Anderson discussed several Lions activities and projects in Iowa and across the U.S. The most important activity is vision and kids’ sight, he said, with about 500,000 children receiving eye and vision screening yearly. The National Lions Club is also working on a diabetes screening project, he said.

Anderson said clubs are also encouraged to do environmental projects, such as the Perry Lions’ roadside cleanup.

At the close of his talk, Anderson gave awards to three Perry Lions for their years of membership: Jim McCauley received a 40-year pin. Dave Wright received a 30-year pin, and Andy Bambrick was awarded a pin for 10 years of membership.

The Perry Lions Club treasurer reported the club’s donation of $1,000 to Hometown Heritage, and he said the club received $350 in memorial money for Greg Leslie’s funeral service. Leslie was an active member in the St. Joseph, Mo., Lions Club.

The chicken alfredo served by the Hotel Pattee was recognized by the members as outstanding.


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