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Ann Cochran

Ann Cochran
Trying to have a conversation on the phone with someone with a hearing loss can be frustrating. It can be equally frustrating for the individual with the hearing loss. The professionals at Relay Iowa and Telecommunications Access Iowa suggest that...
Congratulations! Becoming a parent is joyful, scary, exciting, worrisome and surprising. But why get semi-correct information on You Tube when you can ask an expert in person? Partners in Family Development, the Dallas County Hospital and the Dallas County Public Health...
Medicare and related health insurance can be confusing. What are my options? What will it cost? If I’m still working, do I have to sign up for Medicare? Trained SHIIP volunteers can help answer these and many other questions. The Senior...
Lots of people of all ages were unable to keep their balance on the ice just recently. Unless there is an urgent reason, it’s better to avoid going outdoors in that kind of weather. But what about avoiding falls indoors?...
Wouldn’t it be great if your children and grandchildren could get a shot that would prevent cancer? Guess what? There is such a vaccine for the prevention of the HPV (Human Papillomavirus) infections that cause cervical cancer. There is a knowledge...
Congratulations to anyone expecting a baby! To help you celebrate, you’re invited to a baby shower hosted by the Maternal Child Health program of Dallas County Public Health and Nursing Services. The Maternal Child Health program is a free in-home support...
Since 2012 Medicare has penalized hospitals for discharging and readmitting patients for the same condition within 30 days, and stiffer penalties took effect in October. According to the Des Moines Business Record, no penalties have yet been assessed to Broadlawns...
Why is December tagged as National Impaired Driving Prevention Month? Because the use of alcohol, prescription drugs and street drugs is a major reason for traffic fatalities, and there is an uptick in their use during the holiday season. Iowans...
This is the biggest sale month of the year for children’s toys and equipment. Often parents and grandparents buy whatever is on their little one’s wish list. As the adult, however, it’s important to evaluate the safety of the product...
Many Americans are great believers in the power of prescription medications. Individuals over the age of 60 might remember loved ones dying from simple infections that can now be treated. However, sometimes we pressure our doctor to prescribe an antibiotic...