Home Authors Posts by Karmen K. Weddle

Karmen K. Weddle

Karmen K. Weddle
AMES, Iowa ― Iowa State University Extension and Outreach will conduct farmland leasing meetings at 15 central Iowa sites during late July and August, including sessions in Boone, Oskaloosa, Jefferson, Adel, Newton, Grinnell, Altoona, Traer, Nevada, Indianola, Guthrie Center,...
The Dallas County 4-H and Clover Kids clubs will join forces in a county-wide service learning project event addressing the barriers faced by older Dallas County residents and the resources available to help them. The free event will be held April...
The Dallas County 4-H livestock judging team is in full swing and has had a very successful winter, placing ninth-highest among teams at the Jan. 27 Sioux Empire contest in Sioux Falls, S.D. Successful results were also attained at the...
Grace Kruse, a Dallas Center-Grimes High School senior has been chosen as Dallas County 4-H representative for the 2018 National 4-H Youth Summit for Healthy Living. The National 4-H Youth Summit for Healthy Living is a four-day conference for high...
About a dozen 4-H Clover Kids from Perry made M&M cookie jars for Christmas gifts at a recent activities at the Dallas County Extension offices in Adel. Clover Kids is the 4-H club for youngsters in kindergarten through third grade. The...
JOHNSTON -- The Machine Magicians, a Dallas County 4-H club, competed with more than 100 other students Sunday in the First Lego League regional qualifying contests at Johnston High School. The Lego teams competed in building Lego robotic machines that...