Home Authors Posts by Ray Harden

Ray Harden

Ray Harden
The old saying, "to be up the creek without a paddle," applied to me and my camping partner Steve when we took a trip this summer to the Boundary Waters Canoe Area in northern Minnesota. We camped and fished on...
Lou Hoger of Perry celebrated his 74th birthday a day early Friday with his fellow experts in the Society of Retired Experts (SORE) coffee group at the Perry Perk. Coffeehouse owner Tari Mason prepared special cinnamon roles for the occasion,...
The Perry Lions Club welcomed Lion Allen Zobel to the Aug. 27 meeting at the Hotel Pattee. Zobel is the second vice president of District SW9 and a trustee of the Iowa Lions Foundation. Perry Lions Club President Dr. Harlyn...
The Perry Lions Club held their annual picnic at Sportsman Park near Dawson Monday evening, with 12 members and two guests attending. Lions Club President-elect Harlyn McGuire and Lion Doug Volz grilled the meats, and members brought covered dishes to...
The month of April was a busy month for the Perry Lions Club. During the week of April 16, the Perry Lions took photographs of 59 Perry preschool students' eyes and sent the results to Iowa City for vision screening...
ADEL, Iowa -- About 200 people attended Sunday's dedication ceremony for Brad Harrison, a superhero of Dallas County conservation. Harrison worked for 36 years as a district conservationist for the Natural Resources Conservation Service (NRCS). He died last April at the...
The Des Moines Chapter of Izaak Walton League of America -- "the Ikes" -- met April 10 for an update on the national organization's project, the Upper Mississippi River Initiative (UMRI), a collaborative, grassroots effort to better understand degraded...
Fred Hubbell of Des Moines, seeking the nomination for governor in the Democratic primary election in June, spoke to some 40 Perry-area voters Friday night at the home of Alan and Monica Peitz in Perry. He gave his standard stump...
The Perry Lions Club received a strong dose of reality at their Feb. 12 meeting when former Perry Police Chief Dan Brickner and current Perry Police Chief Eric Vaughn presented a program about human trafficking and human smuggling. Lion Don...
The Dallas County Conservation Department held the annual Christmas Bird Count Saturday, with 26 birders divided into five groups and assigned different areas of the county to observe and record bird species and their numbers. The data collected will be...