Beer truck catches, downs power line near Perry Elks Lodge

A beer truck snagged a low-hanging power line at about 2:40 p.m. Wednesday in a parking lot in the 2800 block of Willis Avenue.

A power line lies on the ground Friday afternoon after a beer truck snagged it in the Elks Lodge parking lot.

A beer truck snagged a low-hanging power cable at about 2:40 p.m. Wednesday in a parking lot in the 2800 block of Willis Avenue.

There were no injuries in the mishap, and the truck received no damage.

The Perry Police Department responded and “deemed it probably a dead cable,” a Perry Police Department spokesperson said. “Century Link was contacted, and they’re going to go out there and take a look at it.”

The beer truck was delivering its product to the Perry Elks Lodge at 2823 Willis Ave. when the incident occurred.

The wire was “just hanging too low and the semi hit it,” the police spokesperson said.


  1. Granted, it wasn’t his fault, but this driver got off lucky. We had a friend of our family who was sizzled in just such an incident albeit the line was very live for the unfortunate dude. He lived through it, but one could argue it might have been better if he had not. This happened not quite 50 years ago, and he has since passed. The effects were quite gruesome and put him in a nursing home for the rest of his life.


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