Community to celebrate Las Posadas tradition December 20

A homeless Mary and Joseph set out to find shelter in an unkind world at the start of the 2015 Las Posadas procession. This year's event is Friday, Dec. 20 at 6 p.m. at the First Christian Church.

What is Las Posadas?

The Las Posadas celebration is a unique Christmas tradition originating in what is modern-day Mexico. It is also celebrated in other Latin American countries and by people of Latin American heritage in the U.S.

Las Posadas means “The Inns” or “The Shelters” in Spanish. Las Posadas is a tradition based on preparing for Christ’s birth that involves the re-enactment of Mary and Joseph’s searching for lodgings in Bethlehem.

In Mexico, the celebration lasts for nine days, from Dec. 16 to Dec. 24, Christmas Eve. Groups of children and adults proceed each night from house to house, singing a request for lodging. At each stop, they are denied until at last they reach a designated home that allows the group in for a session of prayer and a party.

In Perry’s celebration of Las Posadas, we gather at the First Christian Church at Third and Lucinda Streets at 6 p.m. Friday, Dec. 20 for a short ecumenical service followed by a procession that travels from one downtown business to another, asking for shelter.

The procession is formed by following two people who take on the roles of Mary and Joseph, with the crowd following and singing Christmas carols. The crowd carries candles and lanterns to light our journey.

As the procession stops to stand by the door of a business, we sing a song asking for lodging, while another group of singers, positioned inside the business, sings a song of refusal, stating there is no room for them. This ritual is reenacted several times before finally arriving at the First United Methodist Church at Third Street and Willis Avenue, where we do find shelter.

At the end of the procession at the Methodist Church, a meal awaits for all to share in celebration of this holy festival observing that long ago Christmas Eve journey.

The meal is free. We only ask for a free-will offering to support the Hispanics United for Perry (HUP) Scholarships Fund, which awards scholarships to graduating Perry High School seniors wanting to continue their education on a college level.

We hope you will join us as we celebrate this holy tradition.

Las Posadas begins December 20, 2019, at 6 p.m. with an Ecumenical Service at First Christian Church. Processional starts at 6:30 p.m. at the First Christians Church, and the Meal begins at the United Methodist Church at 7 P.m.

Mary K. Murphy is a member of Hispanics United for Perry.


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