I-Smile dental program gets kids into oral health care

Toddler with toothbrush

I-Smile is a program helping Iowans connect to oral health care, which includes what we’ve always thought of as dental care but also includes the overall health of our gums, nutrition to promote healthy teeth and information about topics such as fluoride and sealants.

Counties are grouped into small regions for I-Smile. The coordinator for Dallas County is located within the Warren County Health Services in Indianola. Contact them at 515-961-1074.

The I-Smile website has lots of prevention strategies to keep our mouths healthy. These ideas are widely used by school nurses and preschools to develop good oral care habits in young children.

Because our mouths are naturally full of bacteria, plaque forms on our teeth. It’s a soft, sticky film that breaks down food and beverages and creates an acid. Over time, the acid can erode tooth enamel, which is the beginning of a cavity.

Frequent brushing is a simple prevention for build-up of plaque, along with deeper cleaning at a dental clinic every six months. I-Smile can provide guidance on when your child should have their first visit to a dentist.

Here’s a fun activity from I-Smile to show your child how cavities can develop if we don’t get rid of plaque on our teeth: Start by hard-boiling an egg. Talk with your child about the hard eggshell and how it protects what is inside. Compare the eggshell to the enamel that covers and protects teeth.

Then put the hard-boiled egg into a jar of vinegar. After 2-3 days, take the egg out of the jar and let your child look closely at the shell. It will be soft and damaged. Remind your child that this can happen to the enamel of our teeth if we don’t brush and floss!

If you need help locating a dentist, contact the Dallas County Health Navigation at phn@dallascountyiowa.gov or 515-993-3750.

Ann Cochran is the health navigation coordinator in the Dallas County Public Health Department.


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