Iowa Association of Business and Industry backs Sorensen

Greenfield Republican Ray "Bubba" Sorensen picked up a second recent endorsement this week when the Iowa Association of Business and Industry's political action committee named him a Friend of Business. Soresen is a candidate for Iowa House District 20, which includes Perry.

DES MOINES — The Iowa Association of Business and Industry’s (ABI) political action committee (IIPAC) has designated Ray “Bubba” Sorensen of Greenfield a Friend of Iowa Business for the 2018 general election Nov. 6.

Sorensen, an Adair County Republican and noted painter of the Freedom Rock, is a candidate for Iowa House District 20, which includes Perry.

“ABI is proud to endorse candidates who, like our organization, have placed Iowa’s workforce at the top of their priorities,” said ABI Board Chair David Bywater.

The nonpartisan IIPAC Board, comprised of IIPAC contributors, makes the Friend of Iowa Business selections. The board encourages voters to consider these endorsements when evaluating where candidates stand on business.

“My wife, Maria, and I have been raised by small business owners,” Sorensen said, “so it’s no surprise that we have started and ran our own business for the past 10 years. I’m a friend of business because we are business.”

IIPAC said the Iowa ABI PAC evaluates candidates on their support for a competitive business climate and their focus on a regulatory climate conducive for job creation. The criteria include a candidate’s positions on issues based on interviews and approach to general business community concerns. Input from ABI members and IIPAC contributors are also factors in the selection process.

The Iowa ABI endorsement matches another feather in Sorensen’s cap, the endorsement he received Sept. 12 from Iowa Farm Bureau PAC, which named him a Friend of Agriculture.

“I always have been and always will be a friend,” said Sorensen, a small business. “From showing in 4-H to working in livestock advertising to helping my dad out on his farm and getting started with my own small acreage, I’ve lived with and loved our rural life and values, and you can count on me to represent those values at the statehouse.”

Sorensen and Democrat Warren Varley of Stuart are vying for the seat in the Iowa House of Representatives left vacant by the retirement of nine-term lawmaker Clel Baudler of Greenfield, who recruited Soresnsen as his successor.


  1. Hmnn? Just why is it the small business person or farmer suffers more under GOP government yet keeps supporting and voting for Republicans? The key word here is “conditioning.” The mind of the conditioned person instantly shuts down upon hearing the words “liberal,” “Democrat,” “progressive,” “environmentalist,” “feminist,” “socialist” and such. FOX News, the right-wing talk jocks and many conservative evangelical leaders have successfully turned those words into epithets in the minds of the indoctrinated and socially conditioned. On the other hand, terms such as those used in the article above tend to give the conditioned person a rosy yet deceptive image of the person or subject being considered. Just exactly what do the phrases such as “friend of business” and “rural values” mean? Conditioning and indoctrination also come into play upon the mention of 4-H participation and the painting of the Freedom Rock. The conditioned mind wastes no time on substantive consideration and rational thought.

    Doctor Pavlov rings the bell, and the dogs drool. It’s an unfortunate reality that a significant portion of the electorate has a problem with fleas. That’s the Frankenstein’s monster the right wing has created. That’s why we have Trump. That’s why we have a society plagued with programmed ignorance. Conditioning!


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