Iowa Family Planning Program insures women, men


Family planning begins when you think about how you want your life to look in two years, in six years and in 15 years from now.

Where do relationships and children fit into your plans? No matter whether you’re currently married, want to get married or plan not to marry, you need to consider the impact of adding a child or children to the mix of your plans for the future.

If your plans include goals such as education or a new career, choosing whether and when to have children is important.

If you’re married and have decided not to have another child — either now or ever — what steps are you taking toward that plan? Just hoping you won’t get pregnant doesn’t work.

The Iowa Family Planning Program (IFPP) is part of the Iowa Department of Human Services and is a form of limited insurance coverage for both men and women. The purpose of the Family Planning program is to increase spacing between births and improve the outcomes of pregnancies and the health of mothers.

The IFPP website noted above includes a provider search tool to locate a clinic near you.
To apply online, go to the IFPP website or call Health Navigation at 515-993-3750 for help with applying.

Ann Cochran is the health navigation coordinator in the Dallas County Public Health Department


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