Kathy’s Kastle seeks hospice fortifications on GoFundMe

Kathy Annear Walsh of Perry is the queen in Kathy's Kastle.

When Kathy Annear Walsh began her cancer treatment, she said her dying wish was to remain in her home — in Kathy’s Kastle — surrounded by loved ones and her cherished cats.

Her wish threatened to stop coming true when Medicare said it would not pay for any additional in-home hospice care, so Kathy’s daughter, Wendy Jo Taylor of Jefferson, started a GoFundMe campaign for her mom.

Kathy lives in Perry, graduated from Perry High School in 1969 and was for many years the  head dispatcher at the Perry Police Department.

“I’ve referred to this as the most awful, precious journey I’ve ever taken,” Wendy Jo said. “I wouldn’t wish this on anyone but can’t imagine being anywhere else. And lately, we’ve all felt pretty hopeless. Nothing will change the way this ends, but your generosity has completely altered how we get there.”

With help from Romona at First Class Care for Less, who placed containers around town for donations, and funds raised on the GoFundMe page and from PayPal donations, it looks like Kathy will be safe and cared for in her Kastle at least through July 1.

“Ramona has gone above and beyond to help locate possible funding sources, to help guide us in this journey and to just care about Mom’s final path and our family,” Wendy said. “She and her staff are a real blessing to us.”

Kathy’s father made a sign for his daughter many years ago, saying, “Kathy’s Kastle.” “It hangs proudly in her house,” Wendy Jo said. “Mom’s house truly is her castle now. Your generosity helps us keep her safely and comfortably in it for her remaining time. Mom and I are simply astounded at raising so much already. It truly feels like a miracle.”


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