Keep summer fun by always attending to water safety


Memorial Day weekend marks the unofficial start of summer, and summertime often means swimming season, too. Whether it’s in a pool or lake, many families enjoy cooling off from Iowa’s hot summers in the water.

Swimming is also a great way to relax or be physically active, but it can turn into an unsafe activity if you don’t take precautions. Drowning is the leading cause of death by unintentional injury for young children.

If you’re supervising children while they swim, follow these safety tips:

• Swim in areas where there is a lifeguard on duty.
• Watch children closely when they are swimming, even if there is a lifeguard. This includes not looking at your cellphone or other devices.
• Never leave a young child unattended near water, and don’t trust a child to be the sole supervisor of another child.
• If you have a home pool, secure it with appropriate barriers to prevent unsupervised access to the water.
• Have children wear bright swimsuits that stand out from the color of the water. For example, orange and red swimwear are more easily visible to lifeguards than blue or green swimwear.

Enrolling your kids in swimming lessons from a young age ensures they know the basic skills to stay safe in the water. Adult swim lessons are also available at several locations in Dallas County and the surrounding area for those who haven’t previously had the opportunity to learn.

Even adults who know how to swim can drown under certain conditions. Adults are most at risk for drowning in river, lakes and oceans where currents can quickly sweep you away.

Wear life jackets if you’re in or around these natural bodies of water.

At minimum, two important rules to follow when it comes to adult swimming safety are never swim alone, and never swim impaired. Always bring someone with you when you swim, and don’t take any medications or drugs that could make you drowsy, including alcohol, before entering a body of water.

Natalie Peters is the community health educator in the Dallas County Public Health Department.


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