Liberated from lockdown, SORE coffee drinkers gather safely

Enjoying their prized liberties Friday afternoon in Pattee Park were SORE members, from left, Ken Finer, Lou Hoger, Ray Harden and Charlie Thompson.

It takes more than a global pandemic to curb the boundless spirit and tragic sense of life of the Society of Retired Experts.

Soaring like too-long-pent turkey vultures, a small group from the Society of Retired Experts (SORE) roosted for an hour in Pattee Park Friday afternoon.

The pandemic-imposed self-isolation gave way to safe social distancing in the open air and salutary sunlight for the SORE men, who chatted through face masks at intervals of six feet or more.

A sad thinning of the ranks was noted with the absence from their midst of SORE stalwart Andrew Bambrick, and heartfelt wishes for a speedy recovery went expressed for member Bob Rounds.

Enjoying their prized liberties Friday afternoon in Pattee Park were SORE members Ken Finer, Ray Harden, Lou Hoger and Charlie Thompson. The society agreed to repeat their meetings at regular intervals during the course of the global pandemic.


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