Panorama girls golfers host Monday invite

Panorama's Alex Kurtz goes with an iron off a tee at Woodland Hills in Ankeny last season. Kurtz was the runner-up medalist Monday at LPN.

PANORA — Des Moines Christian, AC/GC, Earlham and Woodward-Granger were the guests of the Panorama girls golf team for nine holes Monday at Lake Panorama National.

DMC edged the hosts, 255-257, for top honors, with W-G third at 263 while Earlham shot 287. AC/GC had only three players and could not generate a team score.

Cece Sturdivant of DMC had a medalist-winning round of 47, with Panorama’s Alex Kurtz the runner-up medalist with a 50.

Abby Cobb had a 66, Gabby Welberg a 68 and Taylor Raibikis a 73 to join Kurtz in scoring for the home team. Hailey Meacham (77) and Amanda Holwegner (79) also played for the Panthers.

W-G received scoring cards from Cierra DeHoet (55), Emily Trewet (61), Emma Greiner (69) and Izzy Meier (78). Quinn Kaufmann’s 79 was not used for the team total.

Sturdivant was joined in scoring for DMC by Mwihaki Njoroge (58), Ashley Kimani (62) and Elaina Towers (88), with McKenzie Young (67), Kaylee Hohertz (73), Ella Goodrich (73) and Meridith Hochstetler (74) scoring for Earlham. Macy Reynolds (82) also made the circuit for the Cardinals.

Panorama will play 18 holes Thursday at Woodward-Granger and then play 18 at Kuemper Catholic Saturday.


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