Panther boys golf resets school record

Panorama's Dylan Douglass, Trey Cobb, Ryan Klinge, Kolby Shackelford, Lucas Leiferman and Wyatt Appleseth hosted the Hal Rossow Invitational Monday. Photo courtesy David Vanahn.

WAUKEE — The Panorama boys golf team has been in action this season against 15 opponents. To the surprise of few, the Panthers are now 15-0, thanks to a record-setting performance at Sugar Creek Golf Course Tuesday.

Earlham was the host for the WCAC triangular, carding a combined 170, with West Central Valley shooting 180.

However, Panorama scorched the par-34 course, firing a total of just eight-over 144. The tally reset the Panther boys school record for nine holes, the old record having stood since 2014.

Kolby Shackelford and Ryan Klinge each shot even-par 34 for Panorama, with Trey Cobb turning in a two-over 36. Head coach David Vanahn then had the pleasant problem of being able to choose a fourth score from between the three cards of 40 produced by Dylan Douglass, Lucas Leiferman and Wyatt Appleseth.

The team returns to action today when they host Des Moines Christian and Woodward-Granger for a WCAC triangular at Lake Panorama National.


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