Panther girls suffer injuries and first loss

Panorama's Laci Rishel heads the ball back toward the Ballard side of the pitch Tuesday. Watching for the Panthers are Bryn Steffen (4) and Angel Poldberg (31). Photo courtesy Panorama Schools.

TREYNOR — A battle of Class 1A top 10 teams went to the hosts Thursday, as the seventh-ranked Treynor girls handed 10th-rated Panorama their first loss of the season by a 3-0 margin.

Treynor (7-2) had blasted host Panorama 11-1 last season, but was given a much tougher challenge in the second season of Panther soccer.

The Cardinals struck for all three goals in the first half, and while continuing to harass and fire away in the second half were denied additional goals by a spirited effort from a depleted Panther defense.

Panorama defenders Maise Knapp and Erica Block were both lost to injuries in the first half. No word was received on the severity of the injuries, but the pair join Kennedy Kuta, who was lost to a broken ankle earlier this season.

The loss drops the Panthers to 5-1 overall. They were to play, with the Panorama boys, in a coed tourney at WCV today, but the threat of inclement weather has forced the event to be cancelled.


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