Perry fifth graders enjoy KidsFit visit

Daira Driftmier, Hy-Vee KidsFit certified personal trainer, spent an hour with Perry fifth grade students Friday, sharing information on healthy lifestyle choices.

Learning about smart nutritional choices and healthy lifestyles was the focus of a one-hour gathering of the Perry Elementary fifth grade classes Friday.

Daira Driftmier, Hy-Vee KidsFit certified personal trainer, visited with the students and encouraged them to make choices that benefit them throughout their lives. She led students in exercises and discussed how to make the right decisions when it came to their health and well-being, and how living a healthy lifestyle was not difficult to achieve.

She showed the students how to use the grocery chain’s dedicated website, The site has structured programs, video tutorials, fitness workouts, dietitian blogs and fitness challenges. All workouts and activities on the website require no equipment or gym membership, making them accessible to people of all ages and skill levels.



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