Perry girls track visits Ballard

Cindy Troung runs off the baton after a pass from Katelyn Saldana in the distance medley at the Davis Relays March 28.

HUXLEY — The Perry girls competed in a limited number of events Friday at the Ballard Relays.

Gilbert won the team title with 196 points while Ballard had a runner-up total of 135. North Polk was third at 117, with Des Moines Lincoln (76), Perry (28) and South Tama (20) also in action.

Perry freshman Jaylene Karolus was second in the 1500, but finished in a time faster than any recorded by a Jayette in the event in at least the last 12 years by crossing in 5 minutes, 18.34 seconds.

Cindy Troung was fifth for Perry in the 800 in 2 minutes, 51.39 seconds, with Jasmine Shriver fourth in the long jump with a distance of 14 feet, 8 inches.

Kennedy Tunink, Alyssa Grow, Karolus and Shriver were third in 4:48.77, with Troung, Mary Ann Riesberg, Kennedy Tunink, Peyton Tunink fourth in the 4×400 in 4:45.13.

The 4×200 of Viviana Escalante, Alondra Avila, Joanna Rodriguez and Stephanie Garcia finished fifth in 2:26.11 while the 4×100 unit of Zari Hopper, Garcia and both Viviana and Wendy placed sixth in 1:05.13.

Also sixth were Rodriguez, Avila, Garcia and Viviana Escalante, who completed the sprint medley in 2:34.63.

Perry will now prepare for the Raccoon River Conference meet, which will be held Thursday in Carroll.


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