Perry harriers enter season with small roster

Perry cross country runners line up for a photo. From left are two-time state qualifier Jaylene Karolus, Jeb Stewart, Cole Nelson, Mason Hoffman, Gannon Meis, Kyle Hernandez, Michelle Tobar, Jayson Chavez, Misty Gomes, Cris Gomez and Kennedy Tunink. Not pictured are Johnathon Chavez, Sebastian Hernandez and manager Lily Naranjo. Ryan Marzen is the head coach, with Shaylena Bell assisting.

Head coach Ryan Marzen will lead the Bluejay and Jayette cross country teams into their season facing several challenges, foremost of which will be low roster numbers.

“We have a pretty large group, at this point, coming up from the middle school, but they are not here yet,” the Perry leader said. “So for this year we will have some meets where we might not generate team scores.”

“It is unusual for us to have these low numbers, but, considering the COVID going around and how weird everything has become I guess I should not be surprised,” he added. “Right now I am just hoping we can get through the season without any problems.”

The season has nine invitationals on the docket, excluding the conference, state qualifying and state meets. Perry will be at home only once, hosting the Leon Fox Invite Oct. 1 at the Perry Golf and Country Club.

The campaign will begin Sept. 3 at Madrid (held at Jester Park) and then Sept. 8 at Winterset.

Junior Jaylene Karolus is a two-time state qualifier and returns for her third season under Marzen’s tutelage. She will be joined by Cris Gomez, Misty Gomez, Kennedy Tunink and Michelle Tobar.

“One of the things working against us — against every team, really — is that there was no track season,” Marzen said. “Normally you have spring track keeping everyone in running shape, but missing that will effect everyone, I think. You just won’t have the legs you would have at the start of the year without having run in track.”

Jayson Chavez, Jeb Stewart and Cole Nelson are out for the Bluejays. They will be joined by Mason Hoffman, Gannon Meis, Johnathon Chavez, Sebastian Hernandez, and Kyle Hernandez.

“What we will be looking for is personal improvement,” Marzen said. “What I hope to see is times dropping throughout the season, and, also, kids having fun. That is the main thing — having fun running.”


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