Perry Lions learn summertime lessons from Crooks at DCH

Dallas County Hospital Education Coordinator Matt Crooks of Granger, left, presented a summer-themed program at the Perry Lions Club June meeting. Perry Lions Club Vice President Lou Hoger introduced Crooks.

The Perry Lions Club gained some summer awareness at their June dinner meeting at the Hotel Pattee in Perry when they welcomed Dallas County Hospital Education Coordinator Matt Crooks, who presented the evening’s program.

Crooks is a native of Chariton, Iowa, and currently lives in Granger. He shared his background with the assembled Lions, including his 12 years as a U.S. Navy corpsman in the U.S. Marine Corps. Crooks later earned a bachelor’s degree in hospital administration from Mercy College in Des Moines and is currently working toward a master’s degree in business administration.

After outlining for the Lions some of the many services the Dallas County Hospital provides to the Perry area — indoor walking trails, baby sitting classes, Ladies Night Out programs, Healthy Heroes exercise programs and others — Crooks presented a Powerpoint program titled “Summer Awareness.”

The presentation focused on Lyme disease, caused by deer ticks, and West Nile virus, transmitted by mosquitoes. Crooks explained how Lions can protect themselves from these diseases and outlined the treatments for both.

Perry Lions Club Vice President Lou Hoger introduced Crooks to the membership and presented him with a Lions Club ballpoint pen in gratitude for his presentation.

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