Pet owners enjoy many health, psychological benefits


Pets add quality to the lives of their human families. Whether it’s a child learning the responsibility of caring for another living being or an older adult enjoying a constant companion in an otherwise lonely time, pets provide us with so much.

The companionship of a pet can decrease cortisol, a stress-related hormone, and lower both blood pressure and cholesterol. Sitting and watching fish swimming in an aquarium can reduce your heart rate and provide a sense of calm. Physical activity as you play with and walk your pet is another heart healthy benefit.

Pets can offer social and emotional help as well. Our “loneliness epidemic” began before the isolation of COVID-19, but it gained attention during the past two years. Early studies conclude a close human-animal bond can improve human physical and mental health.

Interaction with pets helps children develop social and emotional skills. As parents feel comfortable, they may introduce young children to pets. Children and adolescents will benefit by interacting with animal friends that intuitively sense emotions and offer empathy and security.

Take into consideration your ability to care for and interact with an animal before adopting one. If everyone in your house is gone all day, a pet requiring much supervision or one that needs to be kept busy is a poor match for your lifestyle.

Other cautions to consider: children, pregnant women and people with weakened immune systems are at greater risk of getting sick from being around an animal. Everyone should wash their hands after touching an animal. Persons at higher health risks should avoid kissing pets and have someone else clean litter boxes and birdcages.

Volunteering is another great source of boosting feelings of satisfaction and well-being. If you’re a pet lover, consider volunteering at a local pet shelter.

Ann Cochran is the health navigation coordinator in the Dallas County Public Health Department.


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