Short in wall socket brings Woodward FD to scene Friday

A minor fire at 211 Walnut St. in Woodward Friday morning brought the Woodward Volunteer Fire Department to the scene.

The Woodward Volunteer Fire Department and Dallas County EMS responded about 6:30 a.m. Friday to a fire reported in a house at 211 Walnut St. in Woodward.

A caller reported seeing blue sparks and smoke coming from a wall socket in the 96-year-old structure.

There were no injuries in the minor incident.

The Walnut Street house is the property of Steve and Barbara Burich, according to county records.

“I didn’t see anything,” said the Woodward firefighter who responded to the incident about one block west of the city’s firehouse at 301 S. Main St. “I’m just a peon,” said the public-safety volunteer, declining to identify himself further.

“Peon” is the Spanish word for an agricultural laborer.

Woodward Volunteer Fire Department Chief Ken Cavanaugh was unavailable for comment.

A pancake breakfast, the Woodward Volunteer Fire Department’s annual fundraiser, will be held Sunday in the community center from 7 a.m. to 1 p.m. Firefighters will welcome Woodward residents and others and will presumably identify themselves and make comments.

In the block between the firehouse and the scene of the Friday morning short circuit stands the freshly repainted mural showing Woodward residents and others scenes from the 134-year-old town’s proud history. Local artist Dennis Adams spent three months this year on the job.

woodward mural finished
Woodward artist Dennis Adams’ mural of the town’s history stands west of the fire station.


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