St. Patrick’s students finish school year with annual Fun Day

FIfth grade teacher Daisy Diaz, fifth grader Jayna Kenney and grade four teacher Myah Steward toss bean bags Thursday, err, "Fun Day" the final day of the school year at St. Patrick's Catholic School in Perry.

Their public school counterparts spent Friday in classes, but for students at Perry’s St. Patrick’s Catholic School, Thursday meant the end of the 2014-15 school year.

These five eighth graders were spending their final day at St. Patrick's Thursday. From left are Stephanie Hill, Anna Ridnour, Luke Holtorf, Jordan Rothmeyer and Trinity Summerson.
These five eighth graders were spending their final day at St. Patrick’s Thursday. From left are Stephanie Hill, Anna Ridnour, Luke Holtorf, Jordan Rothmeyer and Trinity Summerson.

Principal Doug Lathrum and his staff spent the day lightly supervising the student body, who had free reign over the gym and playground area as part of the annual “Fun Day.” Organized games and contests and plenty of free time were offered, with the predictable results of smiles and lots of laughter.

Five students of the Class of 2019 — Stephanie Hill, Luke Holftorf, Anna Ridnour, Jordan Rothmeyer and Trinity Summerson — will move to new destinations in August as they finished their eighth grade year Thursday.

Photos by Jeff Webster.


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